Click here to go back to the computer wallpaper desktop home page   Free Animal Wildlife Safari Photographic Wallpaper for your Computer Desktop - Llamas


  How to download wallpaper to your computer desktop  
For Windows users:
Move your Mouse over the wallpaper background picture
Right click on the image, and a menu will appear.
Choose "Set as wallpaper." or "Set as Background"
If the picture does not fill your computer screen, right click the screen and choose "properties" on the drop down menu.
On the box that appears select "Desktop" and in the box that is marked Position choose "Stretch",
and you're done!.
  For Apple Mac users:
Move your Mouse over the wallpaper background picture
Hold your mouse button down until you see a menu appear
Select "Save This Image As." In the box that pops up, choose ' desktop'.
Go inside your Apple Menu to Control Panel, and select "appearance."
In appearance, select Desktop, then click "place picture."
Select the wallpaper file you saved and click "choose." Select "position automatically." Click "set desktop," close the window, and you're done Tell your friends about us, e-mail them!


Llamas are fascinating and enchanting animals: perfect to graze & grace your land, be it for farm diversification, a business enterprise, and especially for pleasure. Llamas are easy to look after, good with children, safe with family pets, and fine company for horses and other livestock. Llamas are fun! They make delightful 'field pets ~ whether just a small group in a paddock or a herd for parkland. To lead, pull carts, give children's rides or just to adorn your land, llamas offer a very special addition to any landscape. Llama breeding, llama trekking, and beautiful, fine llama wool... offer enjoyable leisure pursuits for family and worthwhile commercial opportunities for farmers. Llamas are ideal for anyone wishing to diversify or improve their return on under-utilised land, and for tourism initiatives ranging from B&B enterprises to hotels and estates open to the public. Llamas can also be selected to offer effective protection against predators - looking after flocks of sheep or goats, and even free-range poultry and ducks; keeping the fox at bay in a humane & environmentally friendly manner! It is no wonder therefore that... Llama ownership is becoming ever more popular as people discover that llamas are possibly the world's most versatile 'companion' & farm animals ~ and certainly among the most beautiful and captivating. Add our site to your 'Favorites' list now!

Click here to go back to the computer wallpaper desktop home page  (Website design by Craig Moore, London, England)