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Red Wolf The red wolf is often mistaken as a Coyote, but the main difference is the cape-like fur on its back. only wolves have this. Wolves also have a wider mussel than the coyotes. Red wolves have been reintroduced at theThe red wolf's coat ranges from cinnamon red, gray to
black. It is smaller than the grey wolf but larger than a coyote, and weighs
40 to 80 pounds. Red wolves roam in smaller packs than gray wolves. Most
times the red wolf pack consists of an adult pair and their young
offspring. Red wolves mate for life. Adults
mate between February and March of every year. Two to three pups are born
during April or May. Both males and females help raise their young. When the
young are about 6 months old they are mature enough to leave home. Early this century the red wolf lived as far north as
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