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Fly Fishing Flies DRY FLIES Dry fly fishing has always been regarded as the supreme art in
fly fishing circles. Accurate presentation of the fly can be essential. Trout
will rise to a variety of natural flies but as far as the dry fly fisherman is
concerned the mayfly hatch has to be the favored time. In almost all instances
where trout feed on drowning insects the rule is not to move the fly. An
imitation is far more likely to succeed if it is cast out and then left. So long
as it is cast in the right spot. The color of the fly is always important when matching the
hatch, then size is the next important decision. The artificial fly does not
have to be a precise imitation of the natural insect, but what is important is
how and where it is presented in relation to the depth of water. This includes
the height at which the fly floats above the surface of the water. Some fish
will greedily take flies that are floating in the surface but ignore flies that
are floating above it and visa versa depending on the conditions that day. Use
your eyes to see which natural insects the fish are taking. A high-floating dry
fly will have more chance of being taken on a bright day because of its
visibility, but if it does not dent the surface film on a dull day it will be
less effective. A fly floating in the surface on a sunless day leaves a much
more visible halo of outlining light which surrounds it. Always try and get the leader immediately in front of the fly
to sink under the water as this makes it harder for the fish to spot. This can
make the difference between a blank day or one with lots of action. When putting
on floatant make sure you keep it off the leader. This is a common mistake that
can affect your fish catching chances. Degrease the front 10 inches. Do not try
and fish this pattern downstream as it will drown. Fish it upstream and look in
front of you for where the fish are rising for the natural insect. Be observant.
If the trout start to dine on spent spinners rather then duns consider changing
fly patterns. NYMPH FLIES All fly fishing men and women dream of being on the water
during a hatch or a spinner fall and watching our fly being gently sipped
under the surface of the water by a large trout. This is one of the most
exciting times in our sport but what about the other 90% of the time when
there is not and action on the surface? The fish are still feeding. Yes you
can keep casting away at likely spots with dry flies but you would have more
success if you placed your fly where the fish were feeding and that is under
water. If the water is not clear and you cannot see your target
fish you will have to read the water to try and find out the best place to
cast your fly. Large areas of the river will hold no trout at all. Trout are
usually solitary feeders and can normally be found next to something solid
like a big boulder, patch of weeds, or the river bank. They lie up in
stretches of the river where there is a high concentration of food. Look for
creases on the water surface. These are lines that normally run downstream.
They are caused by bodies of water, flowing at different rates, colliding.
Trout food is concentrated in and around these creases. Food is carried by
the current and concentrated where the current is funneled in the fast water
of runs, riffles, creases plus the heads and tails of pools. There is often slack water by the river bank and fast
flowing water a few inches away. This is why a lot of trout can be found
near the bank. Boulders and weedbeds cause the water to speed up to as they
get past them. A crease is formed between the fast and slow water that traps
floating aquatic insects in the eddies. Fish the crease and providing
the trout are feeding you will catch fish. Fish like to conserve energy and
hold in slower moving slack water on the edge of faster water. This enables
the food to come to them and they are close enough to nip out into the
faster water to intercept their target food as it drifts past. Look for
seams of foaming turbulent water as it pass over submerged boulders. Even
though there is a current of fast moving water on the surface there is a
pocket of slower water beneath it and some of these pockets will hold fish. If the nymph does not drift naturally the trout will
refuse it. Try to keep as much of the line off the water as possible and
follow the end of the line as it travels down stream with my rod tip. Set
the hook at any tightening or unnatural movement or flutter of the strike
indicator. Some of these will be the snagging of the nymph on the bottom but
a number will be fish. If you find you are not getting any takes change the
nymph to a smaller size. If it is clear water choose natural colored
patterns and longer leaders with lighter tippets. If the water is dirty or
colored use a more brighter colored and large pattern to help the trout see
what is being offered to them. Over 100 years ago past masters like G.E.M Skues fished
his nymph imitations close to the bank. " I am always amazed at how
many fly fishermen overlook the large trout lurking close to the bank. I
call them 'Bankers'." Just choose a small weighted nymph like this one.
It will cut through the surface film and sink to the bottom. Approach your
selected spot from down stream without spooking the fish. Caste upstream and
drift your fly to a trout feeding in one of these near to the bank spots.
Watch the trout strike the fly. WET FLIES The success of the wet fly often depends far more on its
action in the water than on its resemblance to a particular insect, but this
is not always the case. When fish are on the feed the actual pattern is
generally not important, but when the fish are preoccupied or need tempting
the angler must use ingenuity to discover what the fish are feeding on and
what color they are taking. When fishing wet flies, it is important to
remember that the higher the wave on the water the higher the fly hook size
can be, but still take into account the brightness and clarity of the water. I like to fish wet flies in the rain. If you are one of
those fine weather fishermen you are missing a lot of sport. On sunny days
the fish swim near the bottom of the river, lake or stream for a number of
reasons. They do not have eye lids and the sun can damage the eyes. More
importantly the warmer the water becomes the less oxygen it can hold. Fish
find warm water uncomfortable. When it rains the disturbance caused on the
water surface increases the oxygen content of the upper levels of water. As
the water droplets force their way through the water surface air gets
trapped behind it. If it is raining it normally means the sky is
overcast and therefore the temperature of the water decreases and the amount
of oxygen the water can hold increases. Heavy rain will knock airborne and
surface insects down and into the water. More fish than normal rise from
their bottom feeding location to the surface to feed from this bounty of
drowned insects. This is ideal for fishing the sub surface wet fly. Further
advantages of fishing in heavy rain is that perfect fly presentation is less
important. A fish who is stimulated by the abundance of drowned insect food,
whilst on the look out for predators, will not have time to consider such
things. | Add our site to your 'Favorites' list now!
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